Monday, December 10, 2012

Questions About Menopause?

Should I take Hormones When I Start Menopause?
Doctors used to give every postmenopausal woman hormones, but these days they are only prescribed for symptom management. If a woman has night sweats and  hot flashes that  dramatically affect her  life, they will most likely be improved after about two weeks of  estrogen HRT   Also, the lower estrogen levels in women who are around 60–65 may manifest themselves in vaginal dryness or burning. This can be remedied topically,  with vaginal estrogen cream, a tablet, or estrogen ring.

Are Hormones Dangerous?
It’s definitely not a one-size-fits-all kind of therapy.  Research has shown that women who are on combined estrogen and progesterone have higher rates of breast cancer and blood clots, though lower risk of bone fractures,. There is also data that shows women who begin hormone therapy at the start of menopause and continue it regularly have lower rates of dementia. But ultimately it’s all about your priorities, medical history, and family history.

Will My Sex Life Change?
Many women find that they’re not quite as into it as they used to be. This is something to be discussed with your health care provider. If you have pain during intercourse, something is wrong. There’s a lot that  can be done to help women have a satisfying sexual relationship with their partners.

Does Menopause Cause Weight Gain?

Managing and maintaining a healthy weight before menopause should be your priority. Read the article in the Cool-jams Blog about the menopausal diet. In a large study of US nurses, weight gain between ages 30 and 50 was more important than any other factor in your risk of developing breast cancer so another reason to watch the junk food.

What Happens to My Bones During Menopause?
Not only will regular exercise at any age help keep the pounds off, but it will also benefit your heart through aerobic exercise. Strength training is also important to maintain bone density and boost metabolism because women often loose bone density as they approach menopause.

Should I take Vitamins?
Postmenopausal women should take 1,000–2,000 iu of vitamin D and 1,200 mg of calcium a day. Since the body can only absorb 500 mg of calcium at a time, though, space out your dosage.  It is  also wise to take a women’s formula multivitamin.

Should I see my Doctor When I Feel Like I'm Beginning Menopause?
Women should get age-appropriate regular screening for mammography, colonoscopy, and bone density checks, as well as regular blood testing for chronic conditions like high cholesterol and diabetes. They should also work with their doctors to help identify risk factors or issues to pay attention to for health in the 70s and beyond. Seven out of 10 leading causes of death are lifestyle-related. No one  has control over their genes, but we can control how healthy we are with a great diet, enough sleep and exercise.

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