Sunday, October 18, 2009

October Is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

By now, we've probably all been touched by someone who has been negatively affected by breast cancer in some way....perhaps a friend, relative or neighbor. To help the cause, Cool-jams is going pink this month to promote breast cancer awareness. There’s no time like the present to get passionately pink about breast cancer prevention. During the month of October Cool-jams pledges to donate 10% of every sale to the Susan G. Komen organization. Susan G. Komen is a fundraising program that inspires breast cancer advocacy and honors those affected by the disease. Please help raise awareness among your friends, family or co-workers; and help end breast cancer forever!

Here's how it works...

1). Go to to place your order
2). Order any Cool-jams style or gift certificate to qualify for a donation.**
3). At check-out write the word "Pink" in the comment box provided during the check out process.
4). The rest is easy. Cool-jams will automatically donate 10% of your purchase to Susan G. Komen.

**If you know of someone suffering from night sweats associated with breast cancer treatment. The gift of Cool-jams along with a donation a 10% donation to Susan G. Komen is the perfect gift!

Thanks for your support of Susan G. Komen and breast cancer awareness. Visit Cool-jams before the end of October to make your order count toward a donation toward breast cancer awareness.

Remember October 16 is National Mammagraphy Day. According ot the National Cancer Institute, women in their 40s and older should have mammograms every 1 to 2 years.

Are You Interested In Raising Funds For Your Group or Charity?

Cool-jams has a very active charitable giving program. Their simple philosophy is that they are here to make a difference in people's lives. They love to help others in whatever way they can! If you would like to learn more about Cool-jams fundraising programs, contact

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To learn more about breast cancer visit my blog